

1. 面试

1.1. 常见的面试问题

- Welcome to the interview Rain, please start off and tell me a little bit about yourself 要自我介绍

1.2. 介绍自己


I'm rolling the code to adheres to restful style 推动升级代码, 以符合 restful 风格

1.3. 如果没有听懂

- 如果没有听懂, 记住这很正常, 因为不同人口音差异极大, 记住不要慌, 仍然保持微笑

Emm... I'm sorry but looks like your voice is cutting off, would you mind repeating what you said? 假装信号不好, 请别人再说一次

Do you want me to share some of my experiences related to ... 如果只抓住了几个关键字, 可以像对方确认一下问的是不是啥啥啥;
如果猜对了, 他会说 yes, 如果猜错了, 他肯定会重复一遍问题(这时候又可以听一遍了:))

Could you speak a little bit slower? 极端情况下如果一个关键词也没听懂, 干脆直说 -- 让他慢点再说一遍

- 如果是对方的回答如果没听懂, 记住保持微笑, 回一句 Ok, I see, thanks for your sharing. That's very helpful.

1.4. 遇到问题需要思考很久的情况

- 回答一个问题时争取时间思考, 填充空白的语气词/短语

Emm... I've never thought about it (that way ), let me think.

That's an interesting question, can I take one minute to think about it ?


- 如果觉得自己的回答太简单, 不咋好

I am completely new to ..., so please pardon if my answer is too trivial. 原谅我如果我的回答太琐碎/没价值, 我刚接触..

1.5. 面试结尾表达感谢

- 面试结尾表达感谢

Thanks for taking time interviewing with me

2. business english

small talk at the beginning of the meeting 闲聊

meeting people for the first time

We've emailed many times / We've spoken in the phone many times, but it's so nice to finally meet you
通过电话/邮件很多次了, 很高兴见到你

You must be xxx

Did you have any trouble finding us?/ Did you have any trouble getting here?

How was your journey ? How was your flight?

Is this your first time to be here?

Nice day/ Lovely day/ Horrible weather/ Rather hot/ A bit humid (today), isn’t it?

end the small talk and step into the business 开始正题

I’d love to chat more, but we have a log to get through, so ...

you must tell me more about that later, but

it’s been lovely to catch up, but

let’s get down to business

I think we should make a start

shall we get started?

useful phrase for turn-taking 打断

interrupting, etc

Sorry/Excuse me, if I can interrupt for a moment?

Excuse me? Can I come here (for a moment)?

Of course / Sure, What would you like to say?/ Please have your say?
当然, 请说

Sorry, just one (more) thing before you have your say,


Let's get the turn back

let's get the discussion back

(Now) where was I? Oh yes,

(Anyway/ Well), as I was saying…


If you have any concern please feel free to touch/reach me.

I'll let you know when I'm done.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

That'll put us both in the picture. 这样双方都能了解全面的情况。

I'm afraid that won't be possible, much as we'd like to. 尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不行了。

Thank you for you cooperation. 感谢您的合作

We are happy to be of help. 很乐意帮助

2.1. 入职后的 onboarding 邮件

Hey everyone,
I'm Anastasia or simply Ana 👋 a UX Designer & Researcher based in Germany
Before joining EA I worked at T-Systems, which is part of Deutsche Telekom - a telco company.
During my time there I worked on a B2B data marketplace, making sure a complex product is easy to use for users with varying data science know-how & a digital service assistant for different touchpoints, such as a smart speaker, helping teams understand user needs and working on (predictive) use cases.
In my free time you'll find me either cooking something plant-based, in the gym or getting lost in movies, tv-shows & books 🤓 (love all things Marvel, Lost, GoT, Dexter, Westworld...)
When I play video-games it's on a pc, single-player & preferably adventure/stealth 🐱‍👤
I'm really thrilled to be here & can't wait to get to know & work with you all on exciting projects!!

Joining us from Slightlymad Studios is Kevin Boland, he is a hands-on Technical Director with 20 years of industry experience which all began in EA Chertsey.
When described as hands-on what this means is Kevin has worked on and written several proprietary Game and Rendering engines. Starting in EA working on Renderware to creating the engine for Chinatown Wars , the AGE (now RAGE) engine for Rockstar and finally the Madness engine used for Need for Speed Shift and Project Cars in SMS.
He has worked on and lead development on games that have been part of some top franchises. Some examples being Project Cars, GTA, Need for Speed and Harry Potter.
"Through the technology I help make we can empower people to create, to innovate and ultimately bring joy.
As a father of a neurodiverse child I see the positive impact the games and experiences we create has and how they help her manage the world"
Outside of work Kevin is a father to 3 girls who keep him very active. He enjoys all sports, however these days more watching than participating.

3. integral part 不可或缺的部分

Canonical example 经典示例
integral part 不可或缺的部分
in this scenario 在这个方案中
by nature 天生地, 本质上
create afresh 重新创建
Not even close 差得远
dummy data 虚假数据

have a severe impact on throughput 对吞吐量有严重影响

look for ... to do ... 借助...来做...

do ... to indicate that 通过做... 来指明...
we can annotated the class with xxx to indicate that ...

If this is set to true, then no scanning of annotations takes place 如果将其设置为true,则不会扫描注释。

Such entries are referred to as "stale entries" 这些条目被称为“陈旧条目”

- Let’s say that we have an enormous resource that is I/O intense taking a long time to load blocking the executing thread for a substantial amount of time. It is better if that thread can be liberated to handle other requests in the meantime, instead of waiting for some I/O resource. 假设我们有一个巨大的资源,I / O强烈需要花费很长时间来加载阻塞执行线程很长一段时间。 最好是在此期间可以释放该线程来处理其他请求,而不是等待某些I / O资源

- enormous 巨大的

- substantial 大量的

- intense 强烈的

- a substantial amount of time 很长时间

- can be liberated 被释放

- Iphone that is money spending intense making a substantial amount of people crazy emptying their wallet

- This code will not block the executing thread but will perform the I/O operation in separate thread returning the result when ready using the AsyncContext.complete() method 此代码不会阻止正在执行的线程,但会在单独的线程中执行I / O操作,在使用AsyncContext.complete()方法准备好时返回结果

- This may be very time-consuming if you have many jars in the classpath

- This class provides thread-local variables. These variables differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via its get or set method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable 该类提供线程局部变量。这些变量与它们的正常counterparts的不同之处在于,访问一个变量的每个线程(通过其getset方法)都有自己的,独立初始化的变量副本

- differ from ... in that ...

- counterparts 对应物

- Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given function to the elements of this stream. 返回一个流,该流包含将给定函数应用于此流的元素的结果

- With the standard java sockets, if the server needed to be scalable, the socket had to be passed to another thread for processing so that the server could continue listening for additional connections, meaning call the ServerSocket’s accept() method again to listen for another connection.使用标准的Java套接字,如果服务器需要可伸缩,则必须将套接字传递给另一个线程进行处理,以便服务器可以继续侦听其他连接,这意味着再次调用ServerSocket的accept()方法来侦听另一个连接。

- The Remote interface serves to identify interfaces whose methods may be invoked from a non-local virtual machineRemote接口用于标识可以从非本地虚拟机调用其方法的接口

4. 听力练习

4.1. 方法论
















结束!听的长度可根据每天自身情况调整,但每天至少听1分钟! 坚持21天以上

4.2. 播客

  • Naval Podcast (文字稿 https://nav.al/productize-yourself) 关于选择、方法论、人生鸡汤
  • Where should we begin , 婚姻心理
  • Dear HBR 职场
  • start up 创业历程
  • Stuff You Should Know 主题闲聊

5. accumulation of oral materials


5.1. generally used

put quality as the first consideration

We've arranged our schedule without any trouble.

so this used to be the case in the back years, but nowadays let's get some changes
过去一直是这样, 现在做些改变

so basically, please remember , whenever you want to ..., you need ...

5.2. technically used

so if you want to get it up and running

so this is the technology that you must be aware of .

5.3. making technical courses

I'm gonna show you how to ...

so now, what I'm gonna do is actually do sth...

For java version, I'm gonna pick 11, but if you choose 8, this also work as well as 11
对版本来说,我准备选11, 但是如果你选择8, 也是一样的

Now for dependencies, i'm gonna go ahead and add...

So for now, here are everything that we need to kick off this project, but as we move through this video, we're gonna install a bench/number of other dependencies
现在对启动项目来说已经万事俱备 但是随着视频的深入,我们还需要安装其他的一些

We’re about to cover ... in the next section 将在下节介绍...

So for now, lemme come out and continue the following work

and all you got to do is just make sure that you have everything set up the same way as i have

so here comes my first tip

let's think about this scenario

Finally, it was a pleasure teaching you, if you have any other idea or suggestion, feel free to join the Wechat channel 码完回家, See you next time!

and then if you are stuck, go ahead and lemme know

and just give a second, lemme get this full screen

and then we have lombok, this is mainly to remove the boilerplate code, which you will see in a second