你好! 我是 xiaoyu




there are three ways available to publish your packages

github package registry

Github provide 500M free space for every account

First of all, publish your package: Add the following config to your package pom which to be published to github

<name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>

then mvn deploy, check https://github.com/{account}/maven-repository/packages/ to find your package

So now, we can try to use the packge

add the token (applied from github) and repo address to our pom file




github repository

Apply a token from github and give it user.email permission

add the following config to maven config file:


then add this configs to pom file of the package to be publish to github

<!--1.作用:将jar deploy(发布)到本地储存库位置(altDeploymentRepository)-->
<message>Maven artifacts for ${project.version}</message>
<!--对应github上创建的仓库名称 name-->
<!--github 仓库所有者即登录用户名-->

now just need mvn clean deploy

and we can use the package in this way:

<!-- 格式是 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/[github 用户名]/[github 仓库名]/[分支名]/repository -->

maven central repo

the normal way

https://blog.csdn.net/icansoicrazy/article/details/126391095 https://www.cnblogs.com/strongmore/p/17435714.html

We can use github actions to automate this publish process


Xiao Yumavengithubjar阅读需 2 分钟